Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Primary Foreign Languages

We teach French as our Primary foreign language. In KS1 and YR, where there is no statutory requirement, we do occasional songs and rhymes and studies of aspects of French geography and culture within our Global Awareness sessions. In KS2, the children are taught basic French vocabulary and phrases. The majority of the teaching and learning is oral with an emphasis on trying to use the target language as much as possible throughout the lesson by the time the children are in Y5/6. The emphasis is on the children developing confidence to try out phrases and pronunciation without inhibition in preparation for more in-depth language studies at high school. We teach through a range of games, role play, reading, speaking and listening activities and writing.

SEND: For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we ensure that all teaching and learning is inclusive and that children are supported wherever necessary with resources, teaching assistant or teacher support and additional input if required. We are also aware that some children excel in this subject but may find the recording and “English” skills more difficult so we provide support accordingly to ensure that all children achieve their potential.

We follow this scheme of work for French throughout KS2 which includes key learning for each term in each KS2 class (we assess against end points derived from this each term):

Please see below our Progression of Knowledge and Skills document for French:

We assess against the end points at the end of each term and using continual assessment to inform next steps in teaching.