Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School


Children are obliged by law to be in school from their 5th birthday onwards and attend school promptly every day unless they are ill or have to be off for exceptional circumstances.

We are very aware of the negative impact of children missing school both on their academic progress and their social integration.

If your child needs to be absent from school it is essential that you inform us by the start of school on each day of absence (unless a particular situation means that we know how long the absence will be for in advance meaning we don’t need a daily phone call e.g sickness/diarrhea absence requiring 48 hours off after the last bout). Where we have not received any notification of a child’s absence by 9:30am, we are required to contact parents for safeguarding purposes.

If you are wishing to take your child out of school for holidays this is not now at the discretion of the headteacher.  Absences for holidays can only be granted if there are exceptional circumstances preventing holidays in school holiday time.  For any absence for holidays or other trips, a form must be completed and sent into school.  This form can be found under ‘Holiday and Term Dates’. Where children are taken out of school during term time we expect parents/carers to ensure that key elements of learning: reading/ maths learning journey targets practice is maintained.