Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School


Each week we have a whole school assembly on a Monday morning.  This assembly introduces the weekly theme, initially through listening to a piece of music or song linked with the theme.  Themes include some religious festivals such as Diwali, Advent and Hannukah as well as many PSHE or Moral and Cultural themes such as: Honesty, Respecting Others’ Differences, Disability Awareness Day, Thinking Before You Speak, Perseverance, Heroes, Politeness, Random Acts of Kindness, etc.

Our singing assembly links with the week’s theme as do class assemblies.  On Fridays we have a Celebration Assembly where achievements are celebrated both in class and out of class.  Children also bring in awards and achievements from outside school such as gymnastics trophies, Brownie badges or library reading challenges.

The principal behind our whole school assemblies is for the whole school community to come together and be united in the weekly focus so that all staff and children are seeking to consider carefully the theme and maybe adjust behaviours accordingly.

We also have termly class assemblies where each class shares their learning with parents and other family members. These are a great opportunity for children to proudly share with their parents and also build confidence to perform for an audience.