Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School


History at Nether Kellet is taught through a skills and knowledge-based curriculum, involving the study of a range of different historical periods, eras and civilisations and encompasses historical study of the local area, Britain and the wider world.  Through History, we encourage children to think deeply, question sources of evidence and arrive at judgements about events in the past.  Our History topics link closely with our whole school themes, for example during ‘Our Blue Planet’, we explore maritime and seaside history of our local area and in ‘Global Citizens’ we consider how certain people or civilisations have contributed to our society.

At Nether Kellet, engaging teaching ensures that:

  • Develop a curiosity about past events, both in Britain and the wider world, and how they have impacted on one another.
  • Understand the complexity of the lives of people in the past, how lives have changed over time and how they impact on our lives today.
  • Challenge and use sources of evidence to support judgements or refute ideas about past events.
  • Understand the chronology of British and World History and use a range of terms to describe chronology.

We teach History through exciting and thought-provoking lessons, which consistently build upon, and are tailored, to the prior knowledge and skills of the children and learning in previous year groups.  We give children unique learning experiences and memorable opportunities to explore the past, through educational trips and visitors to school. 

SEND: For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we ensure that all teaching and learning is inclusive and that children are supported wherever necessary with resources, teaching assistant or teacher support and additional input if required. We are also aware that some children excel in this subject but may find the recording and “English” skills more difficult so we provide support accordingly to ensure that all children achieve their potential.

Please see in the Theme section the overviews for each term.

We use our knowledge progression in planning detailing key learning for each term within each phase (we assess against end points based on this key learning in each subject):

Please see bottom of page for our Progression of Knowledge and Skills documents which also contribute to our planning and show prior and next learning.

We assess against the end points at the end of each term and using continual assessment to inform next steps in teaching.