Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Oak Class

Year R

Mrs Keates
Mrs Laycock

Miss Molloy
Mrs Martin

Reading books get changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Our P.E days are every other Wednesday and Friday.

Chinese New Year

Oak Class have been learning about Chinese New Year and thought it would be nice to share this with Chestnut Class. We had a Chinese themed morning and tried lots of different Chinese foods. They were very yummy!

The Tiger Who Came To Tea

Oak Class have been reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea this week. We have been doing lots of writing and drawing linked to the book. We also had a tiger themed tea party where we made our own food and ate it all together. As we had been doing ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ in Phonics it was only right that we made cheesy chips and drank squash.


Miss Molloy’s phonics group practised writing ‘qu’ and decorating crowns.

Oak Class Trip

Oak Class had a wonderful Christmassy day at Wildlife Oasis on Wednesday. We had the opportunity to meet Santa, make Christmas crackers for the meerkats, watch the snow leopards being fed, handle some of the creatures, learn lots from the very knowledgeable keepers, explore the park and have a yummy buffet.

Chestnut and Oak Reindeer Rush

Chestnut and Oak Classes took part in their run to raise money for St John’s Hospice, all while wearing antlers.

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