Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School


We study all major religions in the world following the Lancashire RE syllabus and the children learn about tolerance and diversity as well as about specific customs and practices within different religions and cultures. Our Rights and Responsibilities includes: “We have the responsibility to respect others’ differences” and this underpins the culture of our school and our approach to RE where we focus on both similarities and differences between the main world religions and how they relate to our own lives in our enquiry-based learning.

SEND: For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we ensure that all teaching and learning is inclusive and that children are supported wherever necessary with resources, teaching assistant or teacher support and additional input if required. We are also aware that some children excel in this subject but may find the recording and “English” skills more difficult so we provide support accordingly to ensure that all children achieve their potential.

We learn about Christianity for 50% of our RE curriculum. We learn about Hinduism and Islam every year. Judaism is taught in alternate years with Buddhism or Sikhism being taught in the other year. Our curriculum overview for each phase is illustrated below in our curriculum map.

We use our knowledge grids which give endpoints for each half term and phase to inform planning and assessment.

Please see bottom of the page for progression of knowledge and skills.

Please see Theme section for an overview for each term.

We assess against the end points at the end of each term and using continual assessment to inform next steps in teaching.

We learn a great deal from visits and visitors who come into our school