Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Design Technology

We study a knowledge and skills-based curriculum for Design and Technology linked with our themes. Where appropriate, it is linked with the Science or art. We focus on a different aspect of DT each term fitting in with our termly themed curriculum. These DT focuses include: textiles, food, mechanisms, structures and computer-linked design.

SEND: For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we ensure that all teaching and learning is inclusive and that children are supported wherever necessary with resources, teaching assistant or teacher support and additional input if required. We are also aware that some children excel in this subject but may find the recording and “English” skills more difficult so we provide support accordingly to ensure that all children achieve their potential. Children who have fine motor skill difficulties also receive additional support where needed in these lessons. This is often linked with their IEP targets.

We use our knowledge progression in planning detailing key learning for each term within each phase (we assess against end points based on this key learning in each subject):

Please see bottom of page for our Progression of Knowledge and Skills documents for DT.

Please see in the Theme section for the overviews for each term.

We assess against the end points at the end of each term and using continual assessment to inform next steps in teaching.

Sycamore’s DT Further Structures Project

During the DT textile project, Sycamore Class researched, designed and made successful finger puppets of sea creatures. They initially created paper prototypes in order to draw patterns with a seam allowance.

Oak Class have been looking at the 7 Wonders of the World. They designed a place that they think would be wonderful on Paint on the computer. They then stuck them in a box and used dowel and string to make a moving part.

Sycamore Class are making pyramids out of dowel linked with their work on the Ancient Egyptians and our DT focus on structures.  They made frames from card and prototypes out of art straws first.

Beech Class designed and made cushions as a Design Technology and art project.  They planned, designed, made and evaluated their designs. They used the skills of batiq and tie-dye to decorate.  They used sewing skills to join the two sides of the cushion together and create a fastening.

Beech Class imitated the wave paintings of Maggie Hambling in their paintings and used these as inspiration for their applique textile pieces.  They used a range of stitches and sewing techniques.