School Dinners, Milk and Snacks
We serve school dinners which are on a 3 weekly menu. Each day children have choices of main meals and meals can be ordered on an ad hoc basis. At the moment, all children nationally have free meals in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Meals are served in our hall and children who are on packed lunches eat either inside or out depending on the weather.
Milk is available to buy for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. It is free for children up until the term of their 5th birthday.
Fruit is supplied free of charge for all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 which they eat at break times.
We ask that all children bring in a bottle of water each day. This helps with staying healthy, hydrated and able to concentrate. It also prevents the transmission of germs from using the water fountain. Children can have their bottles on their tables in class to drink when they are thirsty. They are also handy when the children are running the mile around our track as they can stop for a refreshment break.
Children are very welcome to bring in a snack for morning break. We ask that they bring a healthy snack such as: fruit, cheese, squeezy yoghurt, dried fruit, healthy cereal bars, crackers, etc. and not chocolate, sweets or sweet biscuits.