Individual Needs
As a school we recognise that every child is an individual and has their own areas of strength and enthusiasms. We seek to inspire the children to learn by tapping into their interests and learning styles. We also recognise that some children have difficulties with particular aspects of school life. We therefore utilise our staff to best meet the needs of all the children including 1:1 support for children with Education, Health and Care Plan and disabilities. Our staff support children in class and work with children in small groups or 1:1 to address particular difficulties in areas such as reading, maths, writing, phonics, motor skills, working memory, language and communication. We set clear targets for the children to achieve and review these regularly.
Where children or their parents have disabilities, we ensure that they have the same access to school and activities as their able-bodied peers (please see our Single Equalities Policy for more detail). This includes ensuring access to educational visits for all children.
We also recognise that some children have particularly high ability in specific areas of the curriculum. For these children we ensure challenge in all lessons, ability grouping across year groups, focused group work and special programmes linked with the local high schools on maths, science and sport.