Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Chestnut Class

Year 1/2

Mrs Perry

Mrs Laycock
Mrs Pell
Mrs Walker

Our reading books get changed on different days depending on the year group.

Monday- everyone

Tuesday & Thursday- Year 2

Wednesday & Friday- Year 1

Our P.E days are every Tuesday and every other Wednesday. We also run on the mile track daily.

Chestnut and Oak Reindeer Rush

Chestnut and Oak Classes took part in their run to raise money for St John’s Hospice, all while wearing antlers.

Oak and Chestnut Class Parties

Oak and Chestnut Class had a wonderful time at their party yesterday. We danced, played games, had some food and even had a visit from the big man himself!

Movie Night

Our PTA movie night was a massive success with so many children joining in. Thank you so much to the PTA and staff who helped with the organisation and running of the event!

Chestnut Class Portraits

Chestnut Class created self-portraits using photographs of themselves and drawings of the mirror image of their faces.

KS1 Atheletics Competition

KS1 entered an athletics competition last week at Carnforth High. They all represented the school so well and came 2nd overall! Even Barnaby Bear made an appearance! Well done!

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