We reward the children for excellent effort and achievement in many different ways:
- House Points – children can earn house points for schoolwork, homework, excellent behaviour, lovely manners and many other things. At the end of each week, house points are added up and the winning house group is rewarded with extra time on the adventure playground.
- Tidy Cloakroom – each week our school councillors inspect the cloakrooms and award points for the neatest. The class with the best-kept cloakroom receives the prestigious Tidy Teddy Bear and extra time on the climbing frame.
- Reward Certificates – each week, in Friday’s Celebration Assembly, a few children from each class receive certificates for impressing their teachers that week, it may be for great work or linked with the assembly theme e.g. resilience or politeness.
- Lunchtime Certificates – each week, again in Friday’s Celebration Assembly, a few children receive head teachers’ certificates based on nominations from our lunchtime staff for excellent behaviour and manners at lunchtimes.
- Out of School Achievements – children are also invited to bring achievements from outside school into our Friday assembly so we can celebrate all sorts to things from dance trophies to completing treasure hunts to Brownie badges.
- Star of the Day –in Chestnut Class there is a Star of the Day who has all sorts of privileges from sitting on a special chair to taking the register!
- Take Home Cuddly Toy –in Oak Class, there is a cuddly toy (we have had Dave the Dachshund, Alan the Alsatian and Frank the Mongrel among others) who chooses a Star of the Day to go home with. The Star of the Day illustrates and writes about their adventures that evening.