We follow the National Curriculum guidelines in terms of teaching a wide range of genres and spelling which progress through the year groups. Children are inspired in their writing by a range of stimuli including links with our themes for example Science Fiction stories linked with Space and Persuasive posters linked with the Seaside. We use an approach to writing which teaches effective use of grammar, spelling and punctuation in context rather than in an abstract way using the methods of Jane Considine combined with Talk for Writing. Children begin to check and edit their own work in the infants and they are involved in the next steps in their learning through our learning journeys for writing which each child progresses through at their own pace. We emphasise the development of children’s creative expression and, alongside this, teach skills such as spelling, grammar and punctuation. Children work in small mixed age ability groups focused on phonics and spelling on a daily basis engaged in dynamic and fun activities led by all our teachers and teaching assistants. Children throughout school from YR to Y6 are grouped according to ability to learn phonics and spelling to aid reading and writing. These groups are small as all class-based staff take a small group of children to ensure teaching is focused. Activities are interactive, investigative and fun.
Please see below for the Key Skills in Writing document.