Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Be inspired, have belief and grow

Message from the staff of Nether Kellet Primary 

We hope you find what you are looking for on our website.  We have shared with you lots of information and also many photos and examples of the exciting, fun experiences that our children enjoy to enrich their learning.  Our school is a calm, purposeful, friendly and exciting place to be where everyone looks after one another. We learn to be independent, creative and resilient as well as learning to take risks, make good decisions, persevere and cooperate with each other.  We use creative ways of making learning really come to life through our themed curriculum, many visits and visitors, outdoor learning in our wonderful grounds and well-resourced, excellent teaching. We have high expectations of ourselves, striving to always reach our full potential in everything we do.

“The school is extremely well-led and managed, the high quality teaching ensures that pupils learn extremely well. The headteacher, staff and governors have high ambitions and are committed to achieving the best outcomes for all pupils. Pupils get on very well with one another, and there are excellent relationships between pupils and staff. There is a very calm, orderly and happy atmosphere.” Ofsted 2014 – Graded Outstanding in all areas.

If you require any of our website in a paper copy then please request this via the school office/email using the contact page.

If you have any queries about anything, please contact Nicki Bradbury, Headteacher.

  • Planet Inspiration
  • Questioning
  • Perseverance
  • Risk-Taking
  • Communication
  • Cooperation
  • Decision Making
  • Creativity
  • Independence

Upcoming Events

12th February

Oak Class Bake Sale

13th February

Beech Class Visit to Museum and Mosque

25th February

Life Education Visit

28th February

PTA Bingo Night at Village Hall

3rd March

Kooth Mental Health Session for Year 6

6th March

World Book Day

11th March

Stem First Science for Beech Class

13th March

Sycamore Visit to Leighton Hall