We have a beautiful school garden and also other spaces where we garden around school. We love to grow vegetables and fruit and we have several apple trees that we harvest for cooking with the children or giving away to families so they can cook healthy recipes at home! We also have many plants that we have planted especially because they are “bee friendly”. We are part of a “bee corridor” across Yorkshire and Lancashire and are a “Friend of the Honeybee” school. As well as our cultivated gardening spaces, we also have our pond wildlife area with wild garlic, bluebells, nettles, brambles and ferns hosting many insects and amphibians. We have a gardening club and also Year 5/6 children who are the Gardening Gang and help with maintaining our garden at lunchtimes. Our Reception, Year 1 and 2 children spend regular sessions involved in gardening and upkeeping habitats like our bug hotels.