Sycamore Class Reindeer Rush
Sycamore Class enjoyed their run around the track while wearing antlers to raise money for St John’s Hospice.
Miss Davidson
Mrs Sharpe
Mrs Martin
Miss Lamb
We do P.E every other Wednesday and every Friday. We also do a mile on the track daily.
Sycamore Class enjoyed their run around the track while wearing antlers to raise money for St John’s Hospice.
In Science, Sycamore Class conducted an experiment to test the permeability of five different soils: clay, loam, silt, sand and chalk. We measured the volume of water filtering through the soil over three minutes to compare their permeability and found some were very permeable, whereas others absorbed water.
Our PTA movie night was a massive success with so many children joining in. Thank you so much to the PTA and staff who helped with the organisation and running of the event!
Sycamore Class were inspired by Henri Matisse for their collage backgrounds. They then drew portraits of themselves in ink.
Sycamore Class have been learning about volcanoes in theme and used their collage skills to create volcano collages.