Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Sycamore Class

Year 3/4

Miss Davidson
Miss Metcalfe

Mrs Sharpe
Mrs Martin
Miss Lamb

We do P.E every other Wednesday and every Friday. We also do a mile on the track daily.

Materials and Structures

In DT, Sycamore Class have been looking at how to strengthen structures using triangles. They used this knowledge to create Roman Siege Towers using cardboard and wood. They developed their measuring, sawing and joining skills to include drawbridges, battering rams and moving wheels on their towers.

Sycamore's Volcano Art

Sycamore Class created images of volcanoes using wax resist and water colour linked to our work on Italy and Pompeii while studying the Romans.

Sycamore Class Weaving

Sycamore Class created weaving designs using a range of textiles to convey images of the sea as part of our work on Our Blue Planet.

Pizza Making

Sycamore Class made pizzas as part of their current Geography topic, Italy!  We enjoyed preparing the pizzas and thought carefully about our toppings.  Some of us even took a risk and tried new foods for the first time.


Twelve children in Sycamore class recently took part in the CSSCO Athletics competition at Arkholme school.  They each had to participate in a track and field event against children from different schools.  It was a fantastic afternoon with the children demonstrating super teamwork and perseverance! Well done!

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