For our up-to-date artwork, please view our art blog under our curriculum tab.
Our art is linked with our whole school themes (for theme overviews please click on Theme tab). We focus on a specific art skill area each term. The 6 skills are: collage, painting, 3d, printing, textile and digital art. We cover each of these aspects once every two years across the school. Drawing is a continuous skill that is developed every term alongside the focus skill. We also seek to link our art, where possible, to the work of famous artists or to specific artistic traditions.
SEND: For children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, we ensure that all teaching and learning is inclusive and that children are supported wherever necessary with resources, teaching assistant or teacher support and additional input if required. Some children with fine motor difficulties, receive additional support during art lessons to develop their use of brushes, pencils, scissors, etc. This is often linked to their IEP targets.
Please see in the Theme section the overviews for each term.
Please see the bottom of the page for our Knowledge and Skills progression.
We use our knowledge progression in planning detailing key learning for each term within each phase (we assess against end points based on this key learning in each subject):
Theme: Let’s Explore
Mayan Landscapes in Beech Class (Y5/6)
Beech Class used images of modern-day Mexico with remains of Mayan architecture as inspiration for their collage landscapes.
They looked at the work of collage artists for ideas of technique. They used techniques of layering translucent papers, using different textures and blending shades of colour to create their landscapes. They considered perspective and how to make features appear nearer or further away.
Mayan Masks in Beech Class (Y5/6)
Beech Class used images of Mayan masks that have been discovered by archaeologists as well as reproduction Mayan masks as inspiration for our collage masks.
Mayan masks were made from a variety of materials, including wood, gold, shell and volcanic rock, they used masks for a variety of reasons; to adorn the faces of the dead, to be worn at important events, to be worn during battle, and to be hung in houses. The importance of the mask dictated how intricate the design was and how precious the material used.
Collage in Sycamore Class (Y3/4)
Sycamore Class used a wide range of materials to create mixed media collages of volcanoes linking with their work on rocks and physical features of planet earth.
Oak Class’ fish weaving
Oak Class’s weaving to make an ocean for their rainbow fish.
Chestnut Class created weaving designs using a range of textiles.
Sycamore Class used back stitch and cross stitch in their stitched images of sea creatures.
Sycamore Class used a range of wools and embroidery threads to create sea-themed weaving.
Beech Class designed and made cushions as a Design Technology and art project. They planned, designed, made and evaluated their designs. They used the skills of batiq and tie-dye to decorate. They used sewing skills to join the two sides of the cushion together and create a fastening.
Beech Class imitated the wave paintings of Maggie Hambling in their paintings and used these as inspiration for their applique textile pieces. They used a range of stitches and sewing techniques.
Under the sea textile art
Tropical fruit block printing and tropical fruit etchings and screen printing

Self portraits by Oak and Sycamore Classes. Self-portraits by Beech Class in the style of Frida Kahlo.

Staff portraits by Beech Class

David Hockney Perspective studies by Y5 and 6 using oil pastels and watercolour
David Hockney Perspective studies by Y5 and 6
Growth Mindset artwork based on the book ‘A Muddle of Mistakes’
Cartoon Art workshop by Kev Sutherland
Oak Class leaf art

Portraits of Beech Class in the style of Chuck Chase
Oak Class observational drawings of flowers
Oak Class portraits with black pen
Beech Class painted in the style of Scottish artist, Jolomo, ahead of their trip to Arran.
Beech Class used watercolours to paint the view from the outdoor centre of Holy Isle and Lamlash Bay.