Oak Class
Please find below the home learning challenges for w/c 1st March. With this week being the last week of home learning, we have decided to only give you the daily challenges that are basic skills challenges in preparation for coming back to school. We thought you might like to use this last week at home to just spend some time together. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone back in school on 8th March!
Oak Academy have some Spring activities that you might like to have a go at over the next few weeks as well.
Please find below the home learning challenges for w/c 22nd February. Hope everyone had a wonderful half term!
This is the Phonics video for Mrs Laycock/Mrs Keates’ group for w/c 22nd February.
This is the Phonics video for Miss Molloy’s group for w/c 22nd February.
Please see below the challenges for the week beginning 8th February. We have only included grids for Literacy, Maths and Theme this week as it is the last week and I’m sure everyone is feeling tired (including parents!). As always, please send us any photos of things you have been up to and enjoy Chinese New Year! This falls on Friday 12th February and begins the year of the ox.
This is the video for Mrs Laycock/Mrs Keates’ Phonics group.
This is the video for Miss Molloy’s Phonics group.
Please see below the home learning challenges for w/c 1st February.
Find below the words to the different Chinese New Year songs (this is a challenge on the Theme Home Learning sheet). We would love it if you would send us a video of you singing one of these songs!
This video link for Mrs Laycock/Mrs Keates’ Phonics group for w/c 1st February.
The video link for Miss Molloy’s Phonics group for w/c 1st February.
At school we learnt the chorus of I Love Red, the Red Riding Hood song. Have a watch of our video and see if you can learn it too!
Please find below the challenges for the w/c 25th January. As always, please send us some photos of the wonderful things you are doing. We love seeing them all!
Please find attached a PowerPoint all about The Big Garden Birdwatch.
This is the video for Mrs Laycock/Mrs Keates’ Phonics group for w/c 25th January.
This is the video for Miss Molloy’s Phonics group for w/c 25th January.
Mrs Hunter-Dale has made some new P.E videos for you to have a go at this week. There are also some photos below that go with different videos to show the different variations you can do.
Just a reminder that it is the The Big Garden Bird Watch from the 29-31st January. We would love to see some photos of you taking part!
The Talk for Writing website has some wonderful Literacy activities. Please follow the link below for these resources.
Please find below, the weekly challenges for the week commencing 18th January. There are some extra resources on here this week if anyone fancies doing anything different. Thanks again to everyone for their support with home learning so far.
This week (w/c 18th January) we will be looking at Little Red Riding Hood. The following link will take you to the Little Red Riding Hood lessons on the Oak Academy website. This is a brilliant website with lots of other resources on it that you can use for home learning if you would like to.
This is the Phonics video for Mrs Laycock/Mrs Keates’ group. If you are unsure which Phonics group your child is in then please don’t hesitate to email us.
This is the Phonics video for Miss Molloy’s Phonics group. If you are unsure which Phonics group your child is in then please don’t hesitate to email us.
One lesson that may be useful to help explain the current situation to your children can be found here.
Please find below the daily, Maths, Literacy and Theme challenges for the week commencing 11th January 2021.
Please find below some ideas for scavenger hunts. Have fun!
If you are wanting to do something a bit different this website has 10 lessons aimed at Reception on The Gingerbread Man. Just follow the link and choose the lesson you would like to complete.
Below are a selection of photos of the different things the children in Oak Class have been doing at home and in school. You have all been working so hard! Keep up the good work!
Please find below some Maths and Phonics challenges should your child have to isolate or in the event that we have to close a bubble. We would also like to refer you back to the Maths and Phonics activity ideas we gave you on our Maths and Phonics evenings.