Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Children In Need Ramble

The whole school enjoyed our ramble with our teddies to raise money for Children In Need.

Guide Dog Assembly

The whole school enjoyed our visit from some guide dogs and their puppy raisers. We had an interesting assembly followed by the chance to meet a dog, both real and not!

PTA Update

Please find an update from the PTA on their efforts during the summer term. Thank you so much for everything you do for our school!

Our Revitalised Garden!

A big thank you to our site supervisor, Lee Combe and his family for working so hard over the summer to transform our garden from being very shabby, full of weeds to being beautiful once again. We were very grateful also to Aggregates at the quarry for supplying 6 tonnes of chippings free of charge!  It’s much appreciated!  Beech Class really enjoyed seeing the transformed garden after last year’s class worked hard to battle against the weeds in the summer term!

Kellet Cup

A few photos from the Kellet Cup. Everyone played so well!

Playground Proms

A few photos from our Playground Proms event last week.

Reading in Unusual Places

The winning photos from our competition. Well done to you all, they are fab!

Music Visitor

A few photos from our visitor who came in to do Playground Proms with us.

Islam Assembly

Yasmien, a Muslim lady, came to speak to us about Islam. We all enjoyed the whole school assembly where Yasmien dressed some of the children in clothing from countries such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey and answered lots of our questions.

Football Tournament

Our boys football team went to a football tournament yesterday. We did really well, making it to the final and finishing as runners up! Well done boys!