Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Creative Writing

Some children from Sycamore Class had the opportunity to visit Bowerham School for the day to take part in a workshop by author David Webb. We brought back some signed books for Sycamore Class to enjoy.

Chinese New Year

Oak Class have been learning about Chinese New Year and thought it would be nice to share this with Chestnut Class. We had a Chinese themed morning and tried lots of different Chinese foods. They were very yummy!

Light and Reflection

Beech Class have been learning about light and reflection in science this term. They explored uses of reflection by creating their own periscopes.

Football Tournament

Our football team enjoyed taking part in a tournament. Well done for reaching the semi finals!

Cross Country

Some children from Beech and Sycamore Classes took part in a cross country competition. We represented school very well and came back with one bronze, silver and gold medal, earning us 2nd place overall.

United Kingdom Celebration Day

Chestnut Class have been learning about the 4 nations of the United Kingdom in Geography. They have studied each country to learn about landmarks, famous people, capital cities, food and interesting facts for each.

We baked an item of food from each nation and invited parents in to celebrate and taste what we have been learning about.

The Tiger Who Came To Tea

Oak Class have been reading The Tiger Who Came To Tea this week. We have been doing lots of writing and drawing linked to the book. We also had a tiger themed tea party where we made our own food and ate it all together. As we had been doing ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ in Phonics it was only right that we made cheesy chips and drank squash.


Miss Molloy’s phonics group practised writing ‘qu’ and decorating crowns.

Reflective Materials

In Science, Sycamore Class tested were tasked with finding the best material for a reflector on our school book bags.  We investigated a number of different materials, using a torch to test how reflective they were against a piece of paper.  We concluded that the best reflective materials are smooth and shiny!

Beech Class Drama

Beech Class are doing drama sessions based on evacuees in WWII. They acted out the actions and emotions that children of the time might have experienced. The first session was set in the city where the children in our story lived and their experience of air raids, their father going away to fight and finding out that they were to be evacuated to the countryside. The final scene showed them leaving on the train that took their whole school away from their city.