Nether Kellet Primary School
Nether Kellet Primary School

Beech Class Printing

Beech Class have been exploring printing this term.  We began by using found objects and exploring the printing effects created.  We then found natural items from our grounds and printed with those as well as food items.  We used the print effects we had created to make recognisable pictures. 

We made our own foam relief prints based on cross-sections of fruits and vegetables and printed with those, including some prints on backgrounds created by our earlier experimentation.

We then moved onto depicting food packaging and creating monoprints linked with our illustrations.

We moved onto Gelli prints where we used manmade and natural objects to mask areas and experimented with different colour combinations.

We later used lino to make our own relief printing blocks and created layers by adding extra detail and new contrasting colours.

Finally, we made our own stencils and created screen-prints by masking certain areas.

We have learned many printing skills throughout the term and learned from print artists including Andy Warhol and African artists who depict fruits and vegetables in their work.