Our Lovely Artwork
Landscapes exploring perspective in the style of David Hockney by Year 5 and 6
Landscapes in chalk pastel exploring perspective by Year 5 and 6
Sea-themed textile artwork by Year 5 and 6 children
Sea-themed textile artwork by Year 3 and 4
Model boats inspired by learning about Ernest Shackleton Year 1 and 2
Sea-themed art by Reception children
Self-portraits by Oak Class (Reception and Y1 children)
Self-portraits by Chestnut Class (Y1/2)
Self-portraits by Sycamore Class (Y3/4)
Self-portraits by Beech Class (Y5/6)
Chalk pastel landscapes exploring perspective Year 5 and 6
Painting and pastel in the style of David Hockney’s landscapes Year 5 and 6
Abstract painting and pastel inspired by Gustav Holst’s “Mars” from the Planets Suite.
Exploring paint effects – string pull painting Year 5 and 6